Questions about marriage and family
From Theonomy Wiki
- Are wives and daughters allowed to own property under Biblical law?
- Can a husband and wife have equal authority in a marriage?
- Didn't the law under the Sinai Covenant allow divorce for any cause?
- Do ancestors have ruling authority over their descendants?
- Does Biblical law really allow a father to sell his daughter into slavery?
- Does Biblical law require a girl to marry her rapist?
- Does Biblical law require you to get civil government permission, or a license, before getting married?
- Does Deuteronomy 22:25-29 imply that the rape of an unbetrothed girl is not a death penalty offense?
- Does Joseph's intent to divorce Mary show that the death penalty for adultery was not mandatory?
- Does the divorce of the foreign women in Ezra 9-10 show that civil government has authority to dissolve marriages or preside over "divorce trials"?
- If a husband or wife is the only one to witness their spouse's death, can they lawfully remarry?
- Is Biblical law deficient, because it does not specify a minimum age for marriage?
- Is the abandonment by a non-believer in 1 Cor. 7:15 an example of marriage covenant-breaking sin?
- Is the polygyny of the Old Covenant allowed in the New Covenant age?
- Is the premarital unchastity case of Deut. 22:13 an example of the justice system assuming guilt until a defendant proves her innocence?
- What was the purpose of the Numbers 5 dusty(or "bitter") water test?
Pages in category "Questions about marriage and family"
The following 69 pages are in this category, out of 69 total.
- Can a husband and wife have equal authority in a marriage?
- Können ein Mann und eine Frau in einer Ehe die gleiche Autorität haben?
- Can a husband and wife have equal authority in a marriage?/en
- ¿Pueden un marido y una mujer tener la misma autoridad en un matrimonio?
- Un mari et une femme peuvent-ils avoir une autorité égale dans un mariage?
- Podem um marido e uma esposa ter autoridade igual num casamento?
- Didn't the law under the Sinai Covenant allow divorce for any cause?
- Didn't the law under the Sinai Covenant allow divorce for any cause?
- ¿Permitió la ley bíblica (bajo el Pacto de Sinaí) el divorcio por cualquier causa?
- Heeft het Bijbelse recht (onder het Sinaï-convenant) een echtscheiding toegestaan om welke reden dan ook?
- Do ancestors have ruling authority over their descendants?
- Does Biblical law really allow a father to sell his daughter into slavery?
- Erlaubt das biblische Gesetz einem Vater wirklich, seine Tochter in die Sklaverei zu verkaufen?
- Does Biblical law really allow a father to sell his daughter into slavery?
- ¿Realmente la ley bíblica permite a un padre vender a su hija como esclava?
- Staat de Bijbelse wet echt toe dat een vader zijn dochter in slavernij verkoopt?
- Does Biblical law require a girl to marry her rapist?
- Verlangt das biblische Gesetz, dass ein Mädchen ihren Vergewaltiger heiratet?
- Does Biblical law require a girl to marry her rapist?
- ¿Requiere la ley bíblica que una chica se case con su violador?
- La loi biblique impose-t-elle à une fille d'épouser son violeur?
- Vereist de Bijbelse wet dat een meisje met haar verkrachter trouwt?
- Does Biblical law require you to get civil government permission, or a license, before getting married?
- Does Deuteronomy 22:25-29 imply that the rape of an unbetrothed girl is not a death penalty offense?
- Bedeutet Deuteronomium 22:25-29, dass die Vergewaltigung eines Mädchens vor der Verlobung kein Todesstrafendelikt ist?
- Does Deuteronomy 22:25-29 imply that the rape of an unbetrothed girl is not a death penalty offense?/en
- ¿Implica Deuteronomio 22:25-29 que la violación de una chica antes de los esponsales no es un delito de pena de muerte?
- Le Deutéronome 22:25-29 implique-t-il que le viol d'une jeune fille non fiancée ne constitue pas un délit passible de la peine de mort?
- Il Deuteronomio 22:25-29 implica che lo stupro di una ragazza non promessa di matrimonio non è un reato da pena di morte?
- Betekent Deuteronomium 22:25-29 dat de verkrachting van een ongekneusd meisje geen overtreding van de doodstraf is?
- Será que Deuteronómio 22:25-29 implica que a violação de uma rapariga antes do noivado não é uma ofensa que mereça a pena de morte?
- Does Joseph's intent to divorce Mary show that the death penalty for adultery was not mandatory?
- Zeigt die Absicht Josephs, sich von Maria scheiden zu lassen, dass die Todesstrafe für Ehebruch nicht obligatorisch war?
- Does Joseph's intent to divorce Mary show that the death penalty for adultery was not mandatory?
- ¿La intención de José de divorciarse de María muestra que la pena de muerte por adulterio no era obligatoria?
- L'intention de Joseph de divorcer de Marie montre-t-elle que la peine de mort pour adultère n'était pas obligatoire?
- Laat de intentie van Jozef om te scheiden van Maria zien dat de doodstraf voor overspel niet verplicht was?
- A intenção de José de se divorciar de Maria mostra que a pena de morte por adultério não era obrigatória?
- Доказывает ли намерение Иосифа развестись с Марией, что смертная казнь за прелюбодеяние не была обязательной?
- Does the divorce of the foreign women in Ezra 9-10 show that civil government has authority to dissolve marriages or preside over "divorce trials"?
- Zeigt die Scheidung der Ausländerinnen in Esra 9-10, dass die Zivilregierung befugt ist, Ehen aufzulösen oder "Scheidungsverfahren" zu leiten?
- Does the divorce of the foreign women in Ezra 9-10 show that civil government has authority to dissolve marriages or preside over "divorce trials"?
- ¿El divorcio de las mujeres extranjeras en Esdras 9-10 muestra que el gobierno civil tiene autoridad para disolver matrimonios o presidir "juicios de divorcio"?
- Le divorce des femmes étrangères à Ezra 9-10 montre-t-il que le gouvernement civil a autorité pour dissoudre les mariages ou présider les "procès de divorce"?
- Laat de echtscheiding van de buitenlandse vrouwen in Ezra 9-10 zien dat de burgerlijke overheid de bevoegdheid heeft om huwelijken te ontbinden of "echtscheidingsprocessen" voor te zitten?
- O divórcio das mulheres estrangeiras em Ezra 9-10 mostra que o governo civil tem autoridade para dissolver casamentos ou presidir a "julgamentos de divórcio"?
- Показывает ли развод женщин-иностранок в Эзре 9-10, что гражданское правительство имеет право расторгнуть брак или председательствовать в "бракоразводных процессах"?
- If a husband or wife is the only one to witness their spouse's death, can they lawfully remarry?
- Is Biblical law deficient, because it does not specify a minimum age for marriage?
- Is the abandonment by a non-believer in 1 Cor. 7:15 an example of marriage covenant-breaking sin?
- Is the polygyny of the Old Covenant allowed in the New Covenant age?
- Is the polygyny of the Old Covenant allowed in the New Covenant age?
- ¿La poliginia de la Antigua Alianza está permitida en la era de la Nueva Alianza?
- Is the premarital unchastity case of Deut. 22:13 an example of the justice system assuming guilt until a defendant proves her innocence?
- Ist der voreheliche Unkeuschheitsfall von Deut 22:13 ein Beispiel dafür, dass das Justizsystem von Schuld ausgeht, bis ein Angeklagter seine Unschuld beweist?
- Is the premarital unchastity case of Deut. 22:13 an example of the justice system assuming guilt until a defendant proves her innocence?
- ¿Es el caso de la falta de castidad prematrimonial del Deut. 22:13 un ejemplo de que el sistema judicial asume la culpa hasta que el acusado demuestre su inocencia?
- Le cas de Deut. 22:13 sur la nonchalance avant le mariage est-il un exemple de système judiciaire qui suppose la culpabilité jusqu'à ce qu'un défendeur prouve son innocence?
- Il caso di castità prematrimoniale di Dt 22,13 è un esempio di sistema giudiziario che si assume la colpa fino a quando l'imputata non prova la sua innocenza?
- Is de zaak van de onkuisheid voor het huwelijk van Deut. 22:13 een voorbeeld van het gerechtelijk systeem dat uitgaat van schuld totdat een verdachte haar onschuld bewijst?
- Será o caso de Dt 22,13, antes do casamento, um exemplo de um sistema de justiça que assume a culpa até que um arguido prove a sua inocência?
- What was the purpose of the Numbers 5 dusty(or "bitter") water test?
- Was war der Zweck des Tests mit staubigem (oder "bitterem") Wasser nach Ziffer 5?
- What was the purpose of the Numbers 5 dusty(or "bitter") water test?/en
- ¿Cuál fue el propósito de la prueba de agua polvorienta (o "amarga") de Números 5?
- Quel était l'objectif du test de l'eau poussiéreuse (ou "amère") Numbers 5?
- Wat was het doel van de Numbers 5 stoffige (of "bittere") watertest?
- Qual foi o objectivo do teste de água Números 5 empoeirado(ou "amargo")?