This is the temporary layout for topic pages. For now this will just be a short description followed by a list of relevant verses. Later on, the verses will be organized into a comprehensive explanation of the topic.
Adultery refers to instances where individuals who are married or betrothed, but not to one another, engage in sexual relations with one another, and to illicit marriages which involve one or more persons who are already married (ref Genesis 12:11-20). It also can refer to a range of violations of the definition of Marriage. This topic will parameterize adultery, and cover instances of adultery, their consequences, and all relevant laws.
Verses associated with this topic:
This category has the following 20 subcategories, out of 20 total.
Pages in category "Adultery"
The following 25 pages are in this category, out of 25 total.
- Didn't Jesus disregard the law of the Hebrew Scriptures when dealing with the woman taken in adultery? (John 8:3-11)
- Does Joseph's intent to divorce Mary show that the death penalty for adultery was not mandatory?
- Zeigt die Absicht Josephs, sich von Maria scheiden zu lassen, dass die Todesstrafe für Ehebruch nicht obligatorisch war?
- Does Joseph's intent to divorce Mary show that the death penalty for adultery was not mandatory?
- ¿La intención de José de divorciarse de María muestra que la pena de muerte por adulterio no era obligatoria?
- L'intention de Joseph de divorcer de Marie montre-t-elle que la peine de mort pour adultère n'était pas obligatoire?
- Laat de intentie van Jozef om te scheiden van Maria zien dat de doodstraf voor overspel niet verplicht was?
- A intenção de José de se divorciar de Maria mostra que a pena de morte por adultério não era obrigatória?
- Доказывает ли намерение Иосифа развестись с Марией, что смертная казнь за прелюбодеяние не была обязательной?
- Does the proverb about the jealous husband show that prostitution is legal? (Prov. 6:32-35)
- Zeigt das Sprichwort über den eifersüchtigen Ehemann, dass Prostitution legal ist? (Sprüche 6:32-35)
- Does the proverb about the jealous husband show that prostitution is legal? (Prov. 6:32-35)
- ¿El proverbio sobre el marido celoso muestra que la prostitución es legal? (Prov. 6:32-35)
- Le proverbe sur le mari jaloux montre-t-il que la prostitution est légale? (Prov. 6:32-35)
- Il proverbio sul marito geloso dimostra che la prostituzione è legale? (Prov. 6:32-35)
- Será que o provérbio sobre o marido ciumento mostra que a prostituição é legal? (Prov. 6:32-35)
- А пословица о ревнивом муже показывает, что проституция легальна? (Провинция 6:32-35)