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13 “‘You shall not oppress your neighbor, nor rob him. “‘The wages of a hired servant shall not remain with you all night until the morning. Leviticus 19:13WEB




現代では、労働者は週払い、隔週払い、または月払いになっているかもしれません。彼らは多くの場合、仕事の各日の終わりに支払われることを主張する必要性を感じていません。特定の期間の賃金を統合することは、雇用者と被雇用者の両方にメリットがあります。(ただし、毎日労働者に賃金を支払わなければならない場合、給与計算ができないようなタイトな "キャッシュフロー "を持つ雇用主のために働いている場合は、より良いお金の管理をする雇用主を探すことを検討しても良いかもしれません)。

As a Biblical principle of stewardship, in caring for your family, you should not (if you have the choice) be living even "paycheck-to-paycheck," much less "daily wage-to-daily wage". If you are truly "poor" (the way many in the Third world are), then you are probably not reading this web article. And we won't even talk about voluntarily going into debt.

Someone might suggest: "the employer is profiting off the employee by not paying him interest for those [two or four] weeks; that is theft!" It would be theft, if that was not voluntarily (contractually) agreed to by the employee. When the employee negotiates his wage, he is also negotiating the "choice value" of being paid every two weeks (or every month). The interest (which is the rental price of the wage's "choice value") becomes included in the wage, by definition. The employer cannot be accused of stealing what he is already paying for.

  1. North, Boundaries and Dominion (2012)、378-379ページ参照。