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Revision as of 21:39, 29 August 2020 by Mgarcia (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==网站贡献者的工具== ")
5 Oh that my ways were steadfast to obey your statutes! 6 Then I wouldn’t be disappointed, when I consider all of your commandments. Psalm 119:5-6WEB
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我们是一个协作社区网站,围绕基督徒对圣经所写神律法的理解。 我们认为,上帝的法律是对所有人的超越性义务,包括在民政领域中充当上帝的仆人的所有人。 上帝的律法既是对人类权威的义务,也是对他们“做自己认为正确的事情”的自然倾向的超越限制。 它提供了固定的司法标准,并严格规范了允许对犯罪和轻罪采取的惩罚措施。

该网站的目的是在基督教经文中创建一个易于访问的上帝律法目录,该目录按经文,主题(谋杀,盗窃,牺牲等)和功能进行组织,包括上帝盟约结构中过去和现在的功能。 我们将遵循Template::Translink中的解释学原理。 尽管如此,该网站仍将公开供各方面的作者讨论,并进行各种解释和适用法律的模型的无差别比较。


#增进我们对上帝律法的理解,以及如何将其应用于我们生活的所有领域 #将这些东西教给我们的孩子(申命记6:7) #伸张正义,爱怜悯并谦卑与我们的上帝同行(弥迦书6:8) #视我们而定,与所有人和平相处(罗马书12:18) #成为我们在位国王的好大使(哥林多前书5:20)


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所有圣经书: Scripture



我们并没有试图将我们对圣经律法的分析强加到传统的三部分独占式划分(见下文)中,而是提出了以下功能类别。 我们希望这些类别可以帮助您区分每部法律的不同动机和目的。

The above should be considered non-exclusive "categories," rather than "divisions." As this project advances, these categories may be amended to better fit a comprehensive understanding of God's Law and its parts.



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  • 2020/09/02 - Notes working and added; support for many languages in the works. Much work still do be done in categorization.
  • 2020/08/07 - Adding translations now, more streamlining, and continuing to add content. Passages categorized up into Exodus 20.
  • 2020/07/21 - The Chapter and Passage pages have been streamlined significantly. Some features still under construction. Progressively sanctifying our design for the topic structure. Bare-bones passage categorizations added up through Exodus 14.
  • 2020/07/02 - Significant formatting upgrades in progress. We're up through Exodus 9 in parsing the scripture. More commands per chapter in Exodus, so progress will be slower from here on out. Getting close to Sinai, though! Excited to dive into the actual law soon!
  • 2020/06/24 - Transitioning to our new location, courtesy of the host of this domain. Many thanks! Glad to be free from Fandom's advertisements.

Warning: Display title "Welcome to Theonomy Wiki!" overrides earlier display title "圣经法律维基".