Answered Questions/ar
From Theonomy Wiki
[[:Special:MyLanguage/Category:Unanswered Questions|UnansweredQuestionsname/ar]]
- What does Luke 3:13 teach us about legitimate taxation?/ar
- Do the gleaning laws allow civil government to coerce individuals or businesses to give up wealth or other private property?/ar
- Does Biblical law guarantee "free speech"?/ar
- Does Biblical law have "statutes of limitation" for prosecuting crime?/ar
- Does Biblical law require you to get civil government permission, or a license, before getting married?/ar
- Does the divorce of the foreign women in Ezra 9-10 show that civil government has authority to dissolve marriages or preside over "divorce trials"?/ar
- How does Biblical law create the strongest possible "Rule of Law"?/ar
- What are some major differences between advocates of "Westminster General Equity" and "Strict General Equity"?/ar
- What is Paul saying about civil government in Romans 13?/ar
- What is a Biblical law jurisdiction, and how is this concept derived from scripture?/ar
- Did Jesus break Biblical law by working on the Sabbath?/ar
- Did Jesus really support the death penalty for cursing a parent?/ar
- Did Jesus revoke the "eye for an eye" principle of Biblical law?/ar
- Didn't Jesus disregard the law of the Hebrew Scriptures when dealing with the woman taken in adultery? (John 8:3-11)/ar
- Didn't Jesus say that the kingdom of God is only "within us"?/ar
- How did Jesus "fulfill" the Law? (Matt. 5:17-19)/ar
- In what way was Jesus' command in John 13:34 "new"?/ar
- Is the polygyny of the Old Covenant allowed in the New Covenant age?/ar
- Are wives and daughters allowed to own property under Biblical law?/ar
- Can a husband and wife have equal authority in a marriage?/ar
- Didn't the law under the Sinai Covenant allow divorce for any cause?/ar
- Do ancestors have ruling authority over their descendants?/ar
- Does Biblical law really allow a father to sell his daughter into slavery?/ar
- Does Biblical law require a girl to marry her rapist?/ar
- Does Biblical law require you to get civil government permission, or a license, before getting married?/ar
- Does Deuteronomy 22:25-29 imply that the rape of an unbetrothed girl is not a death penalty offense?/ar
- Does Joseph's intent to divorce Mary show that the death penalty for adultery was not mandatory?/ar
- Does the divorce of the foreign women in Ezra 9-10 show that civil government has authority to dissolve marriages or preside over "divorce trials"?/ar
- If a husband or wife is the only one to witness their spouse's death, can they lawfully remarry?/ar
- Is Biblical law deficient, because it does not specify a minimum age for marriage?/ar
- Is the abandonment by a non-believer in 1 Cor. 7:15 an example of marriage covenant-breaking sin?/ar
- Is the polygyny of the Old Covenant allowed in the New Covenant age?/ar
- Is the premarital unchastity case of Deut. 22:13 an example of the justice system assuming guilt until a defendant proves her innocence?/ar
- What was the purpose of the Numbers 5 dusty(or "bitter") water test?/ar
- Does Biblical law actually require burning to death for certain crimes?/ar
- Does Biblical law require a girl to marry her rapist?/ar
- Does Biblical law require a literal "eye for an eye"?/ar
- Does Deuteronomy 22:25-29 imply that the rape of an unbetrothed girl is not a death penalty offense?/ar
- Does Joseph's intent to divorce Mary show that the death penalty for adultery was not mandatory?/ar
- Does Numbers 35:31 imply that all crimes except murder can be ransomed?/ar
- Does the Biblical divorce law in Deut. 24:1 show that the death penalty for adultery was not mandatory?/ar
- Does the proverb about the jealous husband show that prostitution is legal? (Prov. 6:32-35)/ar
- Does the restitution payment for killing a slave in Exod. 21:32 show that slaves had less protection than free persons under Biblical Law?/ar
- Don't the actions of certain Israelite kings show that death was only a maximum civil penalty?/ar
- How do we know whether a Biblical law death penalty is mandatory?/ar
- What are some major differences between advocates of "Westminster General Equity" and "Strict General Equity"?/ar
- What is the proper restitution amount for theft?/ar
- Why did God require the death penalty for certain crimes?/ar
- Why is false prophecy a death penalty crime?/ar
- Why wasn't King David executed for his adultery with Bathsheba?/ar
- Are wives and daughters allowed to own property under Biblical law?/ar
- Are you allowed to use deadly force in defense of (mere) property?/ar
- Do the gleaning laws allow civil government to coerce individuals or businesses to give up wealth or other private property?/ar
- Does Biblical law allow you to own a number?/ar
- How are property rights established under Biblical law?/ar
- How would roads and speed limits work in a jurisdiction following Biblical law?/ar
- Does Biblical law really allow a father to sell his daughter into slavery?/ar
- Does Exodus 12:43-49 mean that a stranger in the land must become a covenant member before he or she can be treated equally under the law?/ar
- Does the law in Exodus 21:22-25, where men cause an unborn child to be born prematurely, show that abortion is not murder?/ar
- Does the restitution payment for killing a slave in Exod. 21:32 show that slaves had less protection than free persons under Biblical Law?/ar
- Doesn't Lev. 27:6 show that God places no value on the lives of unborn children?/ar
- Is the premarital unchastity case of Deut. 22:13 an example of the justice system assuming guilt until a defendant proves her innocence?/ar
- Does Joseph's intent to divorce Mary show that the death penalty for adultery was not mandatory?/ar
- Does the divorce of the foreign women in Ezra 9-10 show that civil government has authority to dissolve marriages or preside over "divorce trials"?/ar
- Was God's law available prior to Sinai?/ar
- Why didn't King Solomon punish the prostitutes who came to him for justice?/ar
- Why wasn't King David executed for his adultery with Bathsheba?/ar
- Why wasn't Paul executed for either murder or kidnapping?/ar
- Are there 613 commandments in the Torah?/ar
- Are there two (or three) different versions of the Ten Commandments?/ar
- How does Biblical law create the strongest possible "Rule of Law"?/ar
- Is there a "two tables" division in the Ten Commandments?/ar
- What are some errors to avoid when studying Biblical law?/ar
- Isn't living under a "religiously tolerant" civil government better for evangelism than living under a government which enforces God's law (e.g. against idolaters)?/ar
- Shouldn't there be a separation of church (i.e., religion) and state?/ar
- What did Thomas Jefferson mean by "separation of church and state"?/ar
- Can anything be done when there is only one witness to a crime?/ar
- Can security camera or other video evidence count as a witness in Biblical law?/ar
- Didn't Jesus disregard the law of the Hebrew Scriptures when dealing with the woman taken in adultery? (John 8:3-11)/ar
- Does the stoning of the blasphemer in Leviticus 24 show that merely hearing can make someone a probative witness?/ar
- Is the crime of rape an exception to the "two witnesses" rule?/ar
- What if DNA or other indirect evidence point to a person being guilty, but there are no probative witnesses?/ar
- What is the penalty for falsely confessing to a crime?/ar
- What was the purpose of the Numbers 5 dusty(or "bitter") water test?/ar
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