Theonomy Wiki

From Theonomy Wiki
11 Because Ephraim has multiplied altars for sinning, they became for him altars for sinning. 12 I wrote for him the many things of my law, but they were regarded as a strange thing. Hosea 8:11-12WEB
Welcome to the Theonomy Wiki!

We are a collaborative community website centred around Christian theonomy. Theonomy is the theological claim that God’s transcendent moral standards – His “torah” encoded in the Christian scriptures – are obligatory upon all people, including those who act as God’s servants in the realm of civil government. God’s law functions both as an obligation upon human authorities and as a transcendent limitation upon their natural tendency to “do what is right in their own eyes.” It provides fixed standards of justice and strictly regulates the human sanctions which are allowed to be imposed upon sin and crime.

The aim of this wiki is to generate an easily accessible catalogue of God’s law in the Christian scriptures ─ organised by verse, topic (murder, theft, sacrifice, etc.), and past and present function in God’s redemptive order. We will follow the hermeneutical principles outlined in the Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics. Nevertheless, the wiki will be open to level-headed discussions and dispassionate comparisons of various models for interpreting and applying the law, as proffered by a range of theonomic authors.

Important Articles

Introduction to Theonomy

List of Topics

List of Civil Penalties

Books of the Law

*For now, we are using the ASV1901, because it is public domain.

Traditional Division of the Law

Tools for contributors

How To Contribute

Passage Template

Books and other resources


  • 2020/09/02 - Notes working and added; support for many languages in the works. Much work still do be done in categorization.
  • 2020/08/07 - Adding translations now, more streamlining, and continuing to add content. Passages categorized up into Exodus 20.
  • 2020/07/21 - The Chapter and Passage pages have been streamlined significantly. Some features still under construction. Progressively sanctifying our design for the topic structure. Bare-bones passage categorizations added up through Exodus 14.
  • 2020/07/02 - Significant formatting upgrades in progress. We're up through Exodus 9 in parsing the scripture. More commands per chapter in Exodus, so progress will be slower from here on out. Getting close to Sinai, though! Excited to dive into the actual law soon!
  • 2020/06/24 - Transitioning to our new location, courtesy of the host of this domain. Many thanks! Glad to be free from Fandom's advertisements.