Topic: Taxes

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Revision as of 18:29, 8 August 2020 by Mgarcia (talk | contribs) (Add translate tags)
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List of Topics

This is the temporary layout for topic pages. For now this will just be a short description followed by a list of relevant verses. Later on, the verses will be organized into a comprehensive explanation of the topic.

Taxes are funds or goods collected by the state from all citizens, often under compulsion. This topic will cover instances of taxation in the law. Most government funding in the Bible is non-compulsory. This topic will cover both, compulsory and non-compulsory taxation in the law, identifying the Biblical distinctions between the two, and offer an overview of what the money can lawfully be used for.

Associated Scriptures



This category has the following 12 subcategories, out of 12 total.



Pages in category "Topic: Taxes"

This category contains only the following page.