Genesis 9:2-4

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Back to Genesis 9


The Principle

This passage contains a command, framed as an explanation of legal boundaries, directed toward Noah and his descendants: "Every moving thing that liveth shall be food for you; As the green herb have I given you all. But flesh with the life thereof, `which is' the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.". It expands on the prior allowance of only vegetation as food for mankind, in Genesis 1:29, with the new limitation being only that mankind should not eat meat with blood still in it.


This command is part of the Moral Law.

This passage is relevant to an understanding of the Noahic Covenant, Food laws, and blood [which topic, relating to blood, will be determined later as blood-related topics are expanded by other passages].


This expansion of the food laws is abiding, as Jesus has made all foods clean. [Fulfillment of the prohibition on blood requires further examination.]


This command/principle has direct relevance to an understanding of the following topics:

Notes on Interpretation/Application