Capital Punishment/zh
From Theonomy Wiki
死刑是指民事死刑(民事法官对人体的破坏)或终极死刑(Second Death),具体取决于是否在《刑法》中提及。 道德法或民法。 考虑到所有违反《道德法》的罪行都使我们值得第二次死刑,因此本页面将主要讨论应处以民事死刑的具体罪行。
- Did Jesus really support the death penalty for cursing a parent?/zh
- Didn't Jesus disregard the law of the Hebrew Scriptures when dealing with the woman taken in adultery? (John 8:3-11)/zh
- Does Biblical law actually require burning to death for certain crimes?/zh
- Does Biblical law have "statutes of limitation" for prosecuting crime?/zh
- Does Deuteronomy 22:25-29 imply that the rape of an unbetrothed girl is not a death penalty offense?/zh
- Does Joseph's intent to divorce Mary show that the death penalty for adultery was not mandatory?/zh
- Does Numbers 35:31 imply that all crimes except murder can be ransomed?/zh
- Does the proverb about the jealous husband show that prostitution is legal? (Prov. 6:32-35)/zh
- Don't the actions of certain Israelite kings show that death was only a maximum civil penalty?/zh
- What are some major differences between advocates of "Westminster General Equity" and "Strict General Equity"?/zh
- Why did God require the death penalty for certain crimes?/zh
- Why is false prophecy a death penalty crime?/zh
- Why wasn't King David executed for his adultery with Bathsheba?/zh
- Why wasn't Paul executed for either murder or kidnapping?/zh
Warning: Display title "Capital Punishment/zh" overrides earlier display title "死刑".
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