From Theonomy Wiki
Capital Punishment refers either to the civil death penalty (a destruction of the body by civil magistrate), or to the ultimate death penalty (Second Death), depending on whether it is mentioned in the context of the Moral Law or the Civil Law. Granting that all crimes against the Moral Law make us worthy of the second death, this page will mostly concern itself with a discussion of the specific crimes which merit the civil death penalty.
관련 성구
- Did Jesus really support the death penalty for cursing a parent?/ko
- Didn't Jesus disregard the law of the Hebrew Scriptures when dealing with the woman taken in adultery? (John 8:3-11)/ko
- Does Biblical law actually require burning to death for certain crimes?/ko
- Does Biblical law have "statutes of limitation" for prosecuting crime?/ko
- Does Deuteronomy 22:25-29 imply that the rape of an unbetrothed girl is not a death penalty offense?/ko
- Does Joseph's intent to divorce Mary show that the death penalty for adultery was not mandatory?/ko
- Does Numbers 35:31 imply that all crimes except murder can be ransomed?/ko
- Does the proverb about the jealous husband show that prostitution is legal? (Prov. 6:32-35)/ko
- Don't the actions of certain Israelite kings show that death was only a maximum civil penalty?/ko
- What are some major differences between advocates of "Westminster General Equity" and "Strict General Equity"?/ko
- Why did God require the death penalty for certain crimes?/ko
- Why is false prophecy a death penalty crime?/ko
- Why wasn't King David executed for his adultery with Bathsheba?/ko
- Why wasn't Paul executed for either murder or kidnapping?/ko
하위 주제:
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