Acts 19:4

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Acts 19

Acts 19:3 Acts 19:5
4 Paul said, “John indeed baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying to the people that they should believe in the one who would come after him, that is, in Jesus.” Acts 19:4WEB
4 Εἶπεν3004V-2AAI-3S δὲ1161CONJ Παῦλος,3972N-NSM Ἰωάννης2491N-NSM μὲν3303PRT ἐβάπτισεν907V-AAI-3S βάπτισμα908N-ASN μετανοίας,3341N-GSF τῷ3588T-DSM λαῷ2992N-DSM λέγων3004V-PAP-NSM εἰς1519PREP τὸν3588T-ASM ἐρχόμενον2064V-PNP-ASM μετ᾽3326PREP αὐτὸν846P-ASM ἵνα2443CONJ πιστεύσωσιν,4100V-AAS-3P τοῦτ᾽3778D-NSN ἔστιν,1510V-PAI-3S εἰς1519PREP τὸν3588T-ASM χριστὸν5547N-ASM Ἰησοῦν.2424N-ASMActs 19:4RP2005

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